Thursday, 7 March 2013

Banners Broker - My History To Date.

On 16 May 2012 I was introduced to Banners Broker and bought my first panels in the form of a green package for $415.00 which included the monthly fee of $15.00.  My green package consisted of one yellow panel, one purple panel, one blue panel and one green panel.  A panel receives traffic hits which equates to earnings and when the panel has received double its value in earnings, it caps and dependant on the settings you have applied to the panel you either keep 100% of the earnings, or 50%.  The first panels you receive are qualified as complementary, as are the next cycle of panels they create.

By 2 July 2012 my earnings had more than doubled to $867.68.  6 yellows had capped and a purple had capped and I still had my initial blue and green and 4 purples working away.

On 9 August 2012 my earnings value was $2022.43, my initial green and blues had capped and doubled up into two more that had been qualified complimentary, my yellows were capping at an average of every 28 days and the purple were capping at an average of 46 days.

On 7 September 2012 I had breached the $3000 in earnings and my live panels were 2 green panels, 3 blues 2 purples and 4 yellow panels busily working to earn me more money.

22 October 2012 saw the next hurdle of $4000, so in 45 days, my earnings figure had jumped a phenomenal $1000.

10 November 2012 brought about a $5000 earnings figure so in 18 days, another grand.  Thank you very much Banners Broker.

30 November 2012 was the day, after a blue and a purple capped, my earnings became a merry $6000.

21 December 2012, $7000 was top of the bill.
$8000 was my magic figure on 11 January 2013.

11 February 2013 earnings total = $9000.

On 18 February I bought a red panel using panels rolled up from my current panels a red panel value is $810.00 and when it caps it will be valued at $1620.00, I can then choose to have two red panels (100% setting) or have one red panel start earning and add $810.00 to my Ewallet for either withdrawal or future payments of annual fees etc. have seen how quick the earnings grow, and the earnings represent the value of capped panels.

To summarise, the Banners Broker affiliate business, use my invitation below to register for an Ad Pub Combo account, as an affiliate you are able to purchase a package which contains panels which are like a bill board on the internet.  Banners Broker will broker your Ad space and place adverts and the revenue they receive from these ads they will filter back to you as a 'landlord' of a bit of internet real estate. There is more to running your account, but I will go into this in further posts.
If I was to go back to beginning and implement what I have learned .... the more panels you have, the more often you will have one cap, hence the more often you have a pay out.  The higher value the panel, takes longer to cap, but not as long as the equivalent amount of lower value panels, so value for money, the higher value panels are the better purchase. If I had a do over, I would have bought a bigger package, although, I am building up nicely now.  I am putting all I can back into pot, leaving enough available for fees and traffic packs. 

Please use my link to investigate further  

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